Bad Renters / Investment

Bad Renters / Investment

Rental Properties Aren’t Always a Profitable Proposition

What could be better than extra income coming in every month, thanks to owning a property you can rent out? The truth is that dealing with rental property can sometimes mean more inconvenience and irritation than the extra income is worth.

Sometimes a Rental Property Is Expensive

What’s even worse, sometimes there is not profit at all, because any extra income has to be poured back into the property just to maintain it. People often purchase rental property, thinking it will be the key to long-term financial freedom. Unfortunately, statistics show that rental properties often become money pits that drain financial resources, time, and energy.

Owning Property = Owing Money

Rental property can be stressful and expensive. Good, long-term tenants that pay rent on time and take care of your property are rare. Also – as a landlord – you will quickly discover that everything that can go wrong or wear out in a home will, and more quickly than it would in a private residence. Maintaining any kind of outdoor landscaping – and the pool that every apartment has to have – is incredibly expensive. And when a property is 5, 10, 15, or even more years old – making any kind of profit on your rental may even be virtually impossible. Being a landlord can mean being in continual debt.

We Buy Bad Apartment Buildings – With Terrible Tenants

At Real Fair Offer we buy deteriorating rental properties with terrible tenants – even ones that are still in residence – because that’s one of our specialties. We have handled the worst-case rental real estate imaginable; everything from crumbling structures to buildings with tenants who will actually do things like pouring quick-setting concrete down toilets.

No Rental Property Is Too Much Trouble for Real Fair Offer

At Real Fair Offer, we can help you get out from under a rental that is financially ruining your life and driving you crazy. In fact, we can guarantee you a smooth transition because we handle any and all issues you may be dealing with in terms of either the building or it’s occupants. Call us today – and let us help you deal with selling your rental property successfully – so that you can have the cash in hand tomorrow!
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