Hoarder Houses

Hoarder Houses

Hoarding situations

Hoarding happens. And it can feel completely overwhelming when a family member passes on and leaves you with a property that is jam-packed with personal possessions. If you have inherited a "hoarder house," we can help.

What Is Hoarding?

Hoarding is actually a debilitating mental illness that requires intervention, but it’s amazing how common this problem is, especially among seniors, or those who have been living alone in a home for a long period of time. In fact, there is currently a series on television about these unfortunate individuals who are living in deplorable situations, and the living conditions it depicts are indeed grim.

What “Hoarding” Does To a Home

When you are dealing with a hoarder’s home – you are dealing with a home that is literally crammed with personal belongings to the point where it’s impossible to walk through. There are floor to ceiling stacks of papers or books, piles of litter, dirty dishes, rotting food, mounds of clothes, and countless other personal possessions. This kind of home inevitably falls into disrepair because the hoarder is fearful of strangers entering the house or grounds to fix anything. A hoarder’s home can even get to the point where its a health hazard, both inside and out.

Hoarding Homes Are Almost Impossible to Sell

It is difficult enough to sell a home in current real estate market, but when that home is virtually unsellable because of its condition, it can be impossible. Whether you are in this position or – what is more often the case – you are dealing with the property of a loved one who is or was a hoarder, you know how hard it can be if you need to sell this property for financial reasons. Just the prospect of cleaning it up is overwhelming, never mind fixing the structural or cosmetic issues such a home always has.

Hoarding Homes Are Almost Impossible to Restore

When a home deteriorates that much, the financial cost of bringing it back to marketable condition is prohibitive. The good news is that Real Fair Offer actually specializes in this kind of real estate. We will buy this kind of home no matter how much “stuff” is in it, how serious the health and sanitation problems may be, or what has to be done to clean it up. You will not have to deal with this intimidating and often agonizing process, we can take care of it for you.

We Buy Hoarder Homes Because We Care About People

We care about people, we care about their health and welfare, and we have worked with individuals and families in all situations, and from all walks of life. If you own a home that has been ruined by a hoarder, you know that selling it may be a difficult process that requires sensitivity and understanding. No matter how hard it may be, Real Fair Offer can offer you and your family a smooth and compassionate transition, because we understand how to work with unusual situations like this.

You Can Sell a Hoarder Home Without “Fixing” or Cleaning it Up

When this is the kind of situation you’re dealing with, it can be hard to truly hard to even up the phone and ask for help. The thought of “showing” or trying to market a house in that condition is overwhelming, but the thought of trying to “fix” it up is even worse. This is what you need to know – if you call us – we can help you figure out what to do, because we are in a position to purchase your home without you having to do a thing to it.

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